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Super glue can bind your skin to other objects or even glue your fingers together (as some of us who were bored as kids already know). When you get some RC tire glue on your hand, you will likely feel some burning or irritation, then it quickly disappears.
Although most glue is not harmful to the human skin it can be incredibly difficult to remove especially if you have the type of glue that dries quickly and doesn’t come off with simple soap and water.
If you have ever had to glue your RC tires to the rims then you have likely gotten some tire glue on your fingers or hands. Knowing the best methods to use to get it off will certainly be helpful the next time you have to reglue your RC tires.
There are actually quite a few different methods to remove RC tire glue from your skin. Some of the most popular ones are:
- Soapy water
- Nail polish remover
- Pumice stone
- Lemon juice
- Gasoline
On top of all of these there are many home remedies that many people have reported working as well. Ultimately you will have to try to remove the glue with a variety of different methods to see which one works the best for your skin and the glue you typically use.
You can also try some products that are specifically designed to remove adhesive from the skin such as Goo Gone’s product found here.
You can also check out the video below for some additional tips on how to remove glue from your skin.
Different methods to remove RC tire glue from your skin
As mentioned above there are a lot of different methods that you can use to remove the RC tire glue from your fingers or hands. Which of these techniques will work the best for you depends a lot on what kind of tire glue you used as well as how much you have on it.
Some people will find that warm soapy water gets plenty of it off while other people will have to go the more harsh route and use stronger products.
The following are just a few of the techniques which you can use to remove glue safely from your hands as there are many other ones out there that people have reported as working great as well.
Soak your hand in warm soapy water
If the adhesive is not completely dry, soaking your hand in warm soapy water may help. Fill a bowl or bucket with very warm water and soap or detergent. Soak your hand for 5 to 10 minutes and then once the glue starts to soften, rub it gently or peel it off of the skin.
If it’s painful or seems like it may be starting to tear the skin, stop immediately and either let it soak longer or try one of the other methods below.
Nail polish remover
Acetone can dissolve super glue quite well, and you are likely to find it in most nail polish removers. Ensure your hands have not been contaminated with other chemicals like peroxide as it’s unsafe to use acetone on anything that has peroxide on it.
It is a good idea to rinse your hands off before you start using the nail polish remover. You should also remember that nail polish remover could alter the color of some items such as plastic so don’t use your favorite antique bowl for this process.
The first thing that you will want to do is put some nail polish remover into a bowl and then soak your hand/hands in there for a few minutes. Ideally you should soak your hands until the glue starts to dissolve but that could take a while depending on the type and amount of glue.
If your skin starts to become irritated and the tire glue still isn’t coming off then you should move on to one of the other methods. If after a few minutes the glue doesn’t appear to be coming off but your skin isn’t irritated then letting your hands soak for longer should be fine.
People with eczema or dry skin conditions are often adversely affected by using this method so if that is you then you should either avoid this method all together or continuously apply a gentle moisturizer until your skin gets back to normal.
Never use nail polish remover if your hand is injured or has a wound, as it can feel like it is burning quite badly. Also, don’t use nail polish remover inside the body, such as nose or mouth (obviously).
Butter and oil
Things with butter and fat such as coconut or avocado oil can help separate your fingers that might have been stuck together with the Rc tire glue. Soak your hand in warm water, then rub oil or butter onto the adhesive to dissolve the glue.
This method is much less abrasive than the nail polish remover mentioned previously but also won’t work as good or as reliably but I felt it was worth mentioning so you could try it and decide for yourself.
Pumice stone
A pumice stone can remove dead skin and may help to remove dried glue from your hands as well. Don’t ever use a pumice stone on sensitive skin or or on your face (which hopefully you didn’t get glue there).
Soak your hand in warm soapy water, then dip the stone in the warm water as well. Rub the pumice stone on the area where you have the most glue in a circular motion until the superglue is gone.
If the pumice stone causes pain or discomfort as you rub, it’s advisable to try another method instead of trying to continue through the pain.
Lemon juice
Lemon juice contains acid, and it can help to remove the tire glue from your fingers and hands: it also has the added benefit of being natural so if this method works you won’t have to expose your skin to harsh chemicals that you can have a reaction to.
Pour lemon juice into a bowl and soak your hand/fingers for around 10 minutes. Use a soft toothbrush to rub the lemon juice directly onto the area where the glue is the thickest or doesn’t appear to be coming off. You will then need to use a a dry washcloth to rub the spot to loosen the remaining glue, then wash your hands and moisturize.
Glue remover
Some hobby stores sell products that can quickly remove the glue without damaging the skin. Unless your skin is visibly injured or painful, it’s safe to delay removing glue for some time to allow you to go and buy the glue remover from the store.
If you find yourself with this issue everytime you glue your RC tires it would be a good idea to have a glue remover on hand all of the time.
There are also many glue removers that can be found at your local retailers online including Goof Off, Goo Gone, and more. Goo Gone actually makes a product that is specifically designed to remove bandaids and other adhesives from the skin. So that might be worth looking into (you can find it here)
I wanted to mention this one last as it isn’t a method that most people use much anymore but it is something that old timers swore by. All you have to do is put a little bit of normally gasoline into a bowl and then splash it on your hands while rubbing them together vigorously.
This method works well especially well if you have a large amount of glue on your hands or if the glue just isn’t coming off with some of the less harsh methods.
One huge downside to this method is that your hands will smell like gasoline for quite a while but I’ve used this method many times over the years and it often works when all else fails!
Also make sure that no one is smoking around you when you use this method!
Caring for the skin that has gotten RC tire glue on it
It can be tempting to simply peel off the glue from the skin but you should keep in mind that glue binds tightly. Never pick at the glue or try to forcefully remove it from your hands as that is a good way to hurt yourself!
Always rub the skin or the glue gently, but if any method hurts, try something different. You may accidentally injure your skin as you try to remove the glue if you are running too hard or are just pulling on the glue.
If the glue causes a burn or wound, keep the area clean and apply an antibiotic ointment on it.
Mostly the minor injuries will heal on their own but if the situation changes and the wound is very painful, turns red, or swells, visit a doctor.
Super glue safety basics
If the glue you are using for your RC tires is superglue then there are some specific safety things that you should know about. If superglue gets in your eyes or on your eyelids it can be very dangerous. Also if it gets too close to your lips or inside your mouth, it is possible for it to actually glue your mouth shut!
You should make sure that the super glue doesn’t get near the mouth or eyes at all but if that happens you should contact a doctor immediately.
If someone happens to swallow the glue, have them rinse out their mouth, then contact a poison control center or go to the emergency room.
Most superglue is also moderately flammable, so keep the skin with glue in it away from the stove, oven, hairdryer, and other hot surfaces. You should never use a lighter to try to burn the glue off of your skin.
If you try to pull the glue off of the skin this can cause the skin to peel or break open. In case the skin breaks, never use any chemical to remove adhesive. Just see a doctor instead.
In some people, glue causes an allergic reaction. If you experience any symptoms of an allergic reaction, like a sudden rash or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately.
Super glue burn
Super glue isn’t hot, but it can still burn your skin. Cyanoacrylate, the adhesive chemical in superglue, creates a reaction when it comes into contact with cotton. That reaction can cause a red, blistery burn.
To avoid getting a burn when gluing your RC tires, keep the super glue away from cotton clothing, tissues, and other materials that may create injury. To treat a wound, wash the area with water, apply an antibiotic ointment and a sterile dressing. If the burn is severe, see a doctor.
When RC tire glue gets onto your skin, it can be annoying and even scary, but it’s rarely dangerous. People who have skin problem should see a doctor, but most people can safely remove glue at home using any of the methods mentioned above.
If the above remedies fail to work and the affected area is not injured or sore then you can even wait a couple of days to see if the glue will come off on its own as this can often happen with time.
However, young children may put their hands in their mouth, and it is recommended that you take them to a doctor for removal if all of the home remedies fail to work for you.