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Have you ever wondered about taking a drone on a train? Maybe you are going on a trip soon, and you wondered what would happen if you flew your drone on the inside of a train? Well, in this article we will go over everything you need to know about flying a drone on a train.
So will a drone move on a train?
Although it can be difficult to fly a drone on a train, it is possible and sometimes can actually be as easy as flying outdoors. Anyone can fly a drone on a train though.
If you want to see some of our top drones that we love, you can find them by clicking here.
If you want to know more about flying a drone on a plane, you will want to keep reading this article.
What is a drone?
A drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle that can be controlled from a distance using a remote controller or computer software. It is one of the smartest inventions of the modern innovative world. A drone continues its flight using three important components. The first one is the drone itself. The others are a remote controller and the mobile device. A drone can be flown anywhere except a vacuum based on its quality. It can be flown inside a running vehicle like a car, train, bus, etc., but the movement of a drone in a vehicle is still restricted for certain conditions. If it is flying in a hover mode then it may be possible to run a drone inside a moving vehicle unless the windows are down.
Drone movement in a train
You can fly your drone in a train; however you should keep it stationary following some instructions. You will need to think about some important things to keep your drone safe from being crushed inside a train.
- Effects of air
- momentum
- maintaining speed and acceleration
- Proper operational mode.
Let’s look at how we can move a drone inside a train and how to keep it safe.
- A train is shielded from the outside atmosphere by a physical barrier. This means the air inside the train cabin is not affected by the air outside of the train. The thing to remember is that things may be different from outside of the cabin. Also, it may be varied if the window is open. If you fly your drone, in a moving train cabin, then it will not feel any different than outside. Depending on the drone’s speed and other factors will determine whether it will remain stationary or not. If it is outside of the cabin where the window and door are locked though, it will fly perfectly normal. For keeping the drone in a steady condition, you may need to do some flight management on your own.
- Another important thing is momentum. If you are on a train that is running with a 100km/h speed, you are safe to fly a drone. This is only safe though if the drone is only being flown on the inside of the train. If the driver pushes the brake suddenly, then the train will try to continue traveling, but it will stop suddenly. Because of the opposite pressure of the air and the functioning of the brake, the drone will also continue its momentum. Because the momentum of the train will stop faster than you will be able to stop your drone though, your drone will begin to move towards the wall as the train slows down.This is why it is important to make sure you are going to be moving at the same speed for a while when you are flying the drone inside a train.
- The most important fact is speed and acceleration. If you are sitting on a train, then the train is your reference frame. The drone outside the train is like a passenger. If you are flying your drone at the same speed of the train, then it will seem to be stationary to the people inside of the train. If your drone speed is not the same as the train though, it will appear that the train is moving faster than the drone as its speed will be faster. This is why most people do not fly their drones outside of the train while they are on it. If the train has very much speed at all, the drone will begin to fall behind and you will lose connection with the drone.
- To fly a drone inside a train, operational modes also play a vital role. Compass, rotors, GPS, and sensors are the main part of a drone to keep it flying. Inside the train, the compass will have a big problem with interference from all the metal. If the GPS is active as soon as the drone takes the lift from the ground, it will hold its position relative to the ground and head directly for the back of the train. If there are any obstacle avoidance on it, then it may save the craft, however, if the GPS is off, then the position assist ultrasonic and optical sensors will hold the aircraft’s position over the floor from where it took off inside the moving train. The sensor will identify the top of the train and will lock onto it. After that, it will start to move on like a stationary matter. This means, the correct operational mode will help you to move a drone inside a train.
Keep a drone hovered inside the train
Hovering inside the train is not a simple task, but if you do so, then you can fly your drone inside a train. A drone uses its propellers for propulsion and control. The rotors are like a fan of an aircraft. Because they work in the same way as the fan, they push the air down and help the drone to fly. To hover, there is a scientific fact that should be followed. The net shove of the four propellers pushing the drone up has to be equal to the gravitational force pulling it down. At that time, the equal upward force and the downward gravitational force will keep the drone in a hover mode.
You can hover a drone for a long time as the motors will not need to be at full capacity making the battery last longer than normal. This is how hover mode will help you to keep your flying drone stationary inside a train.
As the drone is an unmanned aircraft, you can reduce your workload by keeping it in several modes. Those can be classified into three special categories. The first one maintains the position vertically and laterally. The second category mode controls the orientation of the multi-propeller concerning the pilot position. The third one includes failsafe modes. Some of them are manual mode, altitude hold, GPS position hold, auto or waypoint programming, normal orientation mode, free orientation mode, switched return-to-home failsafe, auto return-to-home failsafe, the takeaway mode and so on. These modes can help or harm you flying in a train depending on which mode you pick.
Now that you know you can fly a drone in a train, and you can also have fun while doing it, you may want to give it a shot. You will need to be away of what mode you have it in though, and make sure you do not have it in a mode that will make your drone crash as soon as it takes off.